"I’m addicted... to horses that is..."
I have to thank my Mom and Dad. They would cart me off every weekend to a local pony ring to ride. My parents bought me my first pony when I was only two years old. Wow, the memories I have, riding my Shetland pony who was named Punkin. My passion and love for horses became stronger as I got older.
Throughout my youth I was very active in 4-H, engaging in the horse division and continued as a Junior Leader as a young adult. I participated in many parades, horse shows, and gymkhanas. In 1983, I competed and was chosen as the Colorado Paint Horse Queen. My responsibilities included promoting the Paint Horse breed throughout the State of Colorado at numerous events.
Always trying to give back to the horse community, I was elected to the Executive Board for Parker Trail Riders, a local horse club in Parker, Colorado. I served for 10 years holding several different positions. I have also served on the Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce Board for 6 years promoting new business to the community of Elizabeth, Colorado.
Presently, I have three horses, a Registered Paint named “Pine”, Registered Quarter Horse named "Jake” and my newest edition Maverick, I adopted from Terolyn Horse Rescue. I love riding the high country and camping with my horses. I have seen many beautiful miles of the Colorado Rocky Mountains on horseback. In addition, I have enjoyed competing in the Colorado Obstacle Challenge Series.
My love for animals extends to my barn kitties, Shadow and Lucy. My inside kitties, Angel, Jasper, Remy and Dolly. Also, my sweet companion Border Collies, Cooper and Jazz, who also get a dose of EquiPride daily to keep them healthy.

I began using SweetPro® products 15 years ago and was amazed at the difference it made in my animals overall health. My horses shed out faster in the spring, hoofs became healthier, the overall muscle tone was improved and best of all - my feed bill was lowered after using SweetPro®. Another big selling point for me was that SweetPro® products have NO SUGAR, NO STARCH, and NO MOLASSES. Proper nutrition is so important to keep our animals healthy. I have Senior Horses that are harder keepers at this stage of their lives and have some Arthritis, EquiPride has helped hold their weight and feel more comfortable.
I am a proven believer in SweetPro® products and decided to be a dealer to share with others the great benefits they offer. I have added other natural and non chemical products to my Business, they are the full line of Equiderma Products, Coat Defense, Healthy Coat, All-Natural Treats and the Savvy Feeder. All these products are listed on my website with further information on each of the product lines.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about these products you may have.
Thank You for visiting my website.